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A; They are a energy that flows in the body the word chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel' Or "circle" and it refers to the individual circular spinning wheels of energy located throughout the body the Chakra System is a complex network of energy channels connecting these wheels and is mapped throughout the whole body much like a spiritual nervous system there are 7 main Chakras which are found running alongside the spine. how as for the the purpose of the seven Chakras? "They each have correspond to specific organs as well as physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual states of being and influence all areas of your life Within These Chakras is prana or the ultimate pure healing energy, thats all around us and within us to keep us healthy, happy and vibrant.
Q; Why does the chakras Get Blocked and how does it affect me
A; Well sometimes going through negative events in our life can affect your energy it wears down so with the chakras it need adjusting and to be connecting within your body so that you can be in control of your emotions and psychic abilities as the root chakra when its off key it may make your feel a rarity of ailments can occur including anxiety disorders Fears nightmares adherents say Physically th first chakra is associated with problems in the colon with the bladder with elimination or with lower back leg or feet. when its open its sturdy stabilizing and supportive a sense os security and survival being able to let go of fear and feeling safe you tend to worry less. The 2 chakra its responsible for our sensuality and creative energies your feel your emotions balanced being able to express what you feel joy wellness happiness when its off key you feel disappointed dissatisfied or addictive like behavior
3 chakra is said to be your source of individual power ruling over self-esteem it is the action chakra the focuses on will power and commit when its off you have anger overthink everything procrastinate or get taken advantage easy the heart chakra its awaking to spiritual awareness loving forgiveness and compassion being able to give and receive love freely when blocked how ever you attract jealousy and become distant cold numb holding on to past pain and hurt. your 5 chakra is how you communicate speaking the inner truth being able to not only say wears on your mind but also whats in your heart expressing your self freely when its off key you allow other people to make decisions for you feeling no interest in speaking you mind other also feel that energy and will not listen to you make cause physical affects such as stiffness in neck and shoulder thyroid issues or tension headaches the 3 eye chakra is your intuition it is responsible for your actions serving as a bridge between the two spiritual and physical world it allows you to see the clear picture with out the drama when its off key you can not know the right of way its like walking through life with coving your eyes the 7th chakra is the Crown chakra allows lightbinto your life and peace when its blocked you feel completely overwhelmed stuck depressed disconnected from the world out of place having the feeling of an empty soul see Balancing your chakra are ver important and Kelly uses offers all kinds of spiritual tools so that you can live your best life guaranteed
Kelly is a natural born gift psychic healer she guarantees you will see positive changes she has study the energy uses eastern and western new age and ancient methods what to expect you can in and she will do a energy consultion with you so focus on what areas that are in need of help she is with you every step by step she personally with teach you how to deal with your energy and how to maintain your healing giving you tools such as crystals candles oils sage guided meditations call to schedule your appointment today!